Mike van Riel

  • My current affairs

    My current affairs

    I have neglected some of my contacts and social places. Although I would like to blaim my busy life for it, it is also a matter of just not making time for it. So to entertain myself and others, I can share that one of the things I am working on is a redesign of…

  • Moving to a new host

    What I want is not what I can get at my old host. Thus in order to do get what I want I have decided to move my domains to a new webhost. I have requested the move to be done monday the 22nd of december at 22.00 hours. I still need to get confirmation…

  • Spam has left the building … finally

    I have done it, on the 29th of November I finally activated Akismet and begun cleaning up spam which was still remaining on my blog. Today, I took the time and the liberty to remove the last spam comments AND write a new (perhaps for some quite uninteresting) blog post. When I started my blog…

  • Spam part II

    For some reason I seem to have become popular with the spam bots. Not quite the crowd I was hoping for 🙂 It is not possible for me to keep deleting all spam until I have time to implement anti-spam measures. It is on my to-do list but other (more pressing) matters have priority. Should…

  • The first spam battle, I lost..

    I have had a spam run in the last couple of days and was forced to delete a couple of hundred spam messages. Despite the fact that I was reviewing every message if it was a valid comment or not (I unfortunately do not get many at the moment) it seems that I have overlooked…

  • PHPWomen Article contest has closed

    The PHPWomen contest has closed. As I had said earlier I have also participated in the contest. I restrained from posting the articles on my blog because it feels unfair to the community at PHPWomen. In hindsight it would have been convenient if I posted a new blog item whenever I posted a new article.…

  • Sometimes I temporarily get a life

    Sometimes I temporarily get a life

    There are times when I do not touch a computer, it happens. I like to tabletop roleplay for example and I ‘own’ a dog called Fenna who loves to be active. At these sort of times one might be tempted to say that I temporarily get a life. My wife suggested today to visit a…

  • phpWomen contest close to an end

    Tomorrow will be the last day to participate in the phpWomen contest at www.phpwomen.org. For those of you who do not know, phpWomen is a great initiative to bind the girls of the trade together in a sort of community or usergroup. It has received quite a bit of attention lately and in my opinion…

  • Kubuntu and a slow Eclipse

    You know you want to do it, the move, from windows to Linux when developing locally. It works like a charm, except for Eclipse when you do not pay attention. One could wonder, why do you want to develop locally? Well, sometimes (twice a day) I travel by train. And sitting still is very hard…

  • Errorhandling in PHP, now with Fatal Errors included

    Every once in a while you stumble upon a topic that you thought would have been completely covered. This I thought as well about PHP Errorhandling. Although resources are abundant about the topic, most of them cover Error handling without handling the Fatal Errors or with hacks for a solution. This last problem can easily…