When your template cannot be found in Symfony 4
While I was playing with GraphQL in Symfony I wanted to use a pre-symfony 4 bundle to provide a GraphQL server. When I wanted to go to a page that used a twig template I got the following error: Unable to find template “GraphQLBundle:Feature:explorer.html.twig” (looked into: /var/www/templates, /var/www/templates, /var/www/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Resources/views/Form). Since I haven’t been working with…
Installing Symfony Flex and Prooph 7
Because I love to experiment with new technologies I decided today to set up a new event-sourced project using Symfony Flex and Prooph 7. In this blog post, I am going to describe my experiences when installing these, which issues I encountered and how I resolved them. Keep in mind that the contents of this…
Released a new version of sfPropelRowLevelAccessBehaviorPlugin
After discovering a somewhat annoying bug had I removed the previous release of my plugin; I could not allow people to download and install a version of which I knew such a bug existed. Thus after some recoding and bug fixing I am proud to present version 1.1 of sfPropelRowLevelAccessBehaviorPlugin! You can find it in…
Symfony plugin released!
A few days ago I blogged about the lack of Row Level Access control in symfony. Although I still have too little time I was seduced to try and tackle this problem. The result is clear! A new plugin was born and it is available for all to enjoy at It is very easy…
Row level ACL on symfony
Even though sfGuardPlugin is a great ACL plug-in; it unfortunately cannot handle Row Level Access. In most of my personal projects I require such a level of control and the solutions chosen always feel a bit ..hackish..
Using Symfony’s Lime in phpUnderControl
Do you know phpUnderControl? Do you know and use Lime? If you answered ‘Yes’ to the questions above then you will likely have tried to integrate Lime into phpUnderControl. So have I.. What I discovered was that there are 3 ways in which this problem can be solved. Use Lime’s xUnit output mechanism, only available…