
  • Spam has left the building … finally

    I have done it, on the 29th of November I finally activated Akismet and begun cleaning up spam which was still remaining on my blog. Today, I took the time and the liberty to remove the last spam comments AND write a new (perhaps for some quite uninteresting) blog post. When I started my blog…

  • Spam part II

    For some reason I seem to have become popular with the spam bots. Not quite the crowd I was hoping for 🙂 It is not possible for me to keep deleting all spam until I have time to implement anti-spam measures. It is on my to-do list but other (more pressing) matters have priority. Should…

  • The first spam battle, I lost..

    I have had a spam run in the last couple of days and was forced to delete a couple of hundred spam messages. Despite the fact that I was reviewing every message if it was a valid comment or not (I unfortunately do not get many at the moment) it seems that I have overlooked…