Released a new version of sfPropelRowLevelAccessBehaviorPlugin
After discovering a somewhat annoying bug had I removed the previous release of my plugin; I could not allow people to download and install a version of which I knew such a bug existed. Thus after some recoding and bug fixing I am proud to present version 1.1 of sfPropelRowLevelAccessBehaviorPlugin! You can find it in…
Symfony plugin released!
A few days ago I blogged about the lack of Row Level Access control in symfony. Although I still have too little time I was seduced to try and tackle this problem. The result is clear! A new plugin was born and it is available for all to enjoy at It is very easy…
Row level ACL on symfony
Even though sfGuardPlugin is a great ACL plug-in; it unfortunately cannot handle Row Level Access. In most of my personal projects I require such a level of control and the solutions chosen always feel a bit ..hackish..