DocBlox is unmasked … it is really phpDocumentor 2!
Announcing phpDocumentor 2 — the merging of the old (phpDocumentor) and the new (DocBlox). With the first alpha release of phpDocumentor (2.0.0a1), the new “Responsive” default template sports a new page layout, along with the useful layout improvements that the original DocBlox templates provided (which remain available) over the old phpDocumentor templates (which will retire…
Multiple types of opening braces when matching pairs with the tokenizer/ext
Whilst I was testing DocBlox on the Solar Framework I found a bug in the part of the application where I match the curly brace pairs of structures (like classes, functions, methods, etc). Every time a variable was imported in a string using the {$var} notation my algorithm thought that the function/method had ended at the…
Introducing: DocBlox
Ever since I discovered phpDocumentor I have been fascinated by the idea of automatic Documentation Generation. Especially for large projects where an in-depth understanding of the code is a requirement. Unfortunately, the more I got to work with phpDocumentor the more issues surfaced with its performance, ease of use and above all: memory usage. Over…