Code, Design and Quality
are glorious when in harmony
Kubectl has this great feature of ‘contexts’ which allow you to switch between clusters or even namespaces within a cluster. But how do you go about adding contexts to your version of kubectl? I have used the KUBECONFIG environment variable…
Kubernetes: Unexpected 502 errors when rolling out a new ReplicaSet
The other day I was working on migrating a platform at a client from Virtual Machine based deployments using Ansible to Container-based deployments using Kubernetes. The whole migration went smooth until we started noticing Bad Gateway (HTTP status 502) errors…
The WeCamp Experience
Disclaimer: I have been involved with the organisation of WeCamp for the past 6 years. The WeCamp Experience. In these past few years this has been my best description for what WeCamp is. It is incredibly hard for me to…
Adding drop shadows to your Mapbox Maps
One of the things that MapBox does not natively support is the concept of drop shadows or some sort of glow to your map elements. Luckily, with some trickery, we can fake that. The trick here is to draw your…
Setting the Field of View (FOV) in Mapbox GL JS
At a client of mine, we are working with Mapbox to show a floor plan of the building. As the map needs to be as readable as possible we wanted to do an experiment by using an orthographic or axonometric projection. Unfortunately,…
When your template cannot be found in Symfony 4
While I was playing with GraphQL in Symfony I wanted to use a pre-symfony 4 bundle to provide a GraphQL server. When I wanted to go to a page that used a twig template I got the following error: Unable…
How to fix DigitalOcean’s RancherOS disk size
If you, like me, experienced when you start a RancherOS droplet that the disk size is only 8 gigabytes out of the expected 50 gigabytes, then the following two commands may help: sudo growpart /dev/vda 1sudo resize2fs /dev/vda1 Please note…
Installing Symfony Flex and Prooph 7
Because I love to experiment with new technologies I decided today to set up a new event-sourced project using Symfony Flex and Prooph 7. In this blog post, I am going to describe my experiences when installing these, which issues…