
  • Adding drop shadows to your Mapbox Maps

    Adding drop shadows to your Mapbox Maps

    One of the things that MapBox does not natively support is the concept of drop shadows or some sort of glow to your map elements. Luckily, with some trickery, we can fake that. The trick here is to draw your polygons / areas twice, the first time you draw them as a line with a…

  • Setting the Field of View (FOV) in Mapbox GL JS

    Setting the Field of View (FOV) in Mapbox GL JS

    At a client of mine, we are working with Mapbox to show a floor plan of the building. As the map needs to be as readable as possible we wanted to do an experiment by using an orthographic or axonometric projection. Unfortunately, the camera in the Mapbox GL JS library cannot be configured to show an orthographic…