
  • Quick-tip: using kubectl when you manage multiple Kubernetes clusters

    Quick-tip: using kubectl when you manage multiple Kubernetes clusters

    Kubectl has this great feature of ‘contexts’ which allow you to switch between clusters or even namespaces within a cluster. But how do you go about adding contexts to your version of kubectl? I have used the KUBECONFIG environment variable to specify the location of a custom kubeconfig.yaml file; what I recently discovered was that…

  • How to fix DigitalOcean’s RancherOS disk size

    If you, like me, experienced when you start a RancherOS droplet that the disk size is only 8 gigabytes out of the expected 50 gigabytes, then the following two commands may help: sudo growpart /dev/vda 1sudo resize2fs /dev/vda1 Please note that the space between /dev/vda and the 1 in the first command is necessary. This…

  • Running websites on a Docker Cluster using Rancher

    For my company, Ingewikkeld, we are migrating all our services to run on a series of Droplets at DigitalOcean that together form a cluster of Docker containers. This setup should reduce the costs of all the separate VPS’s that we previously had because Docker hosts automatically fill up the available resources of a host to…